What causes tinnitus?
Tinnitus can result from various causes, including:
-damage to the nerve endings in the inner ear
-stiffening of the bones of the middle ear
-exposure to loud noise
-high or low blood pressure
-thyroid problems
-head or neck injury
-reaction to medicines
Treatment for tinnitus:
Specific treatment for tinnitus will be determined by your physician based on:
-your age, overall health, and medical history
-extent of disease
-tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies
-expectations for the course of the disease
-your opinion or preference
hearing aids - may benefit some people with tinnitus who have hearing loss. Using a hearing aid may help some people with tinnitus by making some sounds louder.
Masks - provide help for some individuals by making tinnitus less noticeable. This small electronic device creates sound that can make the sound or roaring seem softer.
medications - may ease tinnitus by addressing a problem related to the disease.
tinnitus retraining therapy - uses a combination of counseling and masks. Otolaryngologists and audiologists can help a person learn to deal with tinnitus.
counseling - offers a person with tinnitus the opportunity to meet with a counselor or support group.
relaxing - provides relief for some people stress can worsen tinnitus.
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